
there's still no peace...

i got this email from joellen, the missionary we were working with in oaxaca. please continue to pray...

Hi-I thought it was time to send you an update of whathas been happening in my life since I left Oaxaca fourweeks ago. In the past four weeks I have been inPuebla, Mexico City and am currently in Monterrey,Mexico.But God has been good. I am much more at peace withwaiting to seewhat will happen. This weekend we will be havingmeetings to attempt to process all that has happenedin the past month and what things would have to looklike in Oaxaca before we can return.Depending on what happens at this meeting and whathappens on December1 in Mexico (presidential inauguration) we should knowmore after thisweekend. In the meantime, I go back to the Pueblaarea on Monday. If it looks as if we can return toOaxaca in January (the earliest we could go back),then I will just stay in Puebla with the Covenantmissionaries there. If it looks like it will be laterthan January, I will find an efficiency apartment tolive in -- either in Cuautla (where I used to live) orin Cuernavaca. Either way, I will still be planningand leading mission trips to Mexico--but to placesother than Oaxaca until things settle down.With encouragement from the mission, I have decided togo ahead with a trip to the U.S. to spend theChristmas holidays with my son, daughter-in-law andgrandson in Minneapolis.Just to update you a bit on the continuing civilunrest in Oaxaca—This past weekend the APPO (theprotestor's self proclaimed government) tried tore-take the center of Oaxaca from the PFP (the federalpolice). In the process APPO burned severalgovernment offices, broke into and trashed fourhotels, ruined gardens in a museum and broke into manysmall stores in the center of town. They retreatedback to the University which is near my house.Then about 3:30 a.m. this morning (Wednesday) thefederal police marched into the University area andtook apart a huge road block of burned out buses,cars, old tires, garbage, etc. They then continued onto the University. The APPO protestors shot somerockets at the police and then took off running intothe neighborhood. I am glad that I was not in my housebecause that would have been pretty scary hearing allof this commotion at 3:30 a.m.All of the legal paperwork, that had been pendingbecause of the civilunrest, on my van has been completed and a young manis going to bedriving my van to Puebla where I will pick it up thisnext week. He is also going to go into my house andpack up some things that I couldn't (or forgot to)pack when we left.So…we will wait and see how God will work this allout. Thankfully God is so much bigger and wiser thanhumansThanks for your prayers,Jo Ellen


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